Monday, December 14, 2015

#IAmGirlPower Networking Event

Just recently, one of my mother's friend  was featured in News Week Middle East . Natasha Somalia is an entrepreneur in the beauty industry, a girl boss, and a marketing/ networking mastermind. She's been in the industry for over 10 years and last night, she shared some inspirational and motivational information with myself and other women at her #IAmGirlPower networking event.

At the event, we started with an ice breaker (which my mother was kind enough to start). I learned that everyone was some kind of business owner or aspiring business owner. When it was my turn to talk, I informed everyone about my blog and my make-up services. 

We then watched a motivational video full of female entrepreneurs in Atlanta. I was very inspired by where these ladies were from, their 'not so glamorous' stories, and how far they've come. Sabrina, founder and CEO of The Glam University, shared her story of being an exotic dancer, incarcerated, and having all the odds against her to being a business woman, finding herself, and becoming successful. The other women in the documentary had similar stories but they all had one thing in common: drive.

When starting a business, I learned that not every idea is a good one. It's all trial and error. But you never really know until you go for it. There was so much information packed into this documentary that when I tell you I know exactly how I'm going to everything I want, that's what I truly mean. I now know how. 

After the film, we all had a moment to talk about how we as women, need to uplift each other and support each other versus making everything a competition. There is room for us all. There is a spotlight for us all. There's enough success to go around. I got to hear some stories from the women who were physically in the room with me as well. It made me appreciate everyone and everything that has made it possible for us as women to even get to the point. There was a point in time where we couldn't do something so simple as vote.  Now we are in the running for being voted for. We own businesses, companies, corporations. Wow. 

Thank you Natasha Somalia for this wonderful evening full of positivity and enlightenment. I truly enjoyed myself and look forward to seeing all the ladies I had the pleasure of coming in contact with,  make it happen. 


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