Tali Michelle
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Ramadan Is Here!!
The time has come! Ramadan is upon us and I'm so excited Mash'allah. As we go into the Holy month, I want to focus more on my writing here so that we can all encourage each other during the month of fasting.
While we all are preparing ourselves for Ramadan, I want to point out a few things as a reminder:
1. pray the daily prayers on time and put more effort into praying the Sunnah prayers.
2. Recite and reflect upon the Quran and, if you can, try learnuing the meaning of some of the surahs you recite
3. repent and make dua. Remember, the best of sinners are the ones who repent.
4. Give charity. giving charity has never made anyone broke and insha'allah by giving we will receive something more by the will of Allah.
I have been thinking of what I wanted to work on this Ramadan and I actually came up with a few things. One being that I want to take Arabic courses so that I can teach my sons as they get older. Good thing my little sister can read, write and speak it so she can teach all of us, my mom included mash'allah.
I want to become stronger in my religion. This is a big deal for me because this time around every year, I find myself feeling guilty about not being on my deen as much as I should be. I want that to be my one of my main focuses after Ramadan ends.
I want to also remind my brothers and sister in Islam that we are fasting from more than just food. Take the month to become stronger in your faith, get your mind right, learn, and be as obligated as Allah wills you to be.
May everyone has a successful and prosperous Ramadan, inshallah!
Sunday, December 9, 2018
I Have Something up my sleeve !!
Hello Loves! I know it's been a minute since I last posted but y'all know me... I needed a bit of time to reflect and get some things ready for the new year.
First thing's first. Updates. Mommy hood is going well. The boys are growing and learning right before my eyes and it's so amazing to watch. Business is going good as well. I have decided to give the studio another go round. Stay tuned. It's going to be beautiful.
I finally have a schedule set for everything. It will go as follows:
Blog: a post will be created every Thursday and Sunday! Please turn the notifications in so that you don't miss anything !!
Youtube: Videos will be uploaded to my channel every Wednesday and Saturday! (Right now Vlocember and Vloguary videos are being recorded so uploads are happening randomly twice a week). Get ready I'm bringing blogs, tutorials, mukbangs and MORE!!
-subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIjrmu9NhufrkiyBONjmXeQ?view_as=subscriber
Lash Courses: Lash courses are happening once a month. Group courses will be held again starting March 2019 due to the fact that Jan and Feb classes will take place in Virginia! One on one courses are available always and now offer payment plans (2 or 4 installments).
-book an appointment or class: https://squareup.com/appointments/book/83C9WMEK7ENMR/lvshgod-lashes-philadelphia-pa
Hair extensions: HAIR IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP AND DELIVERY IF YOU ARE IN THE TRI STATE AREA. Foreign Exchange Extensions site will be launched on New Years Day!!! Stay tuned.
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Organic Romance: The Effect Social Media Has On Our Love Lives & How We Meet People
I usually get in my feelings about topics like this because
A. it doesn't get far when I try talking to someone about it
B. The world we live in today think the topics is corny and they laugh and just shut down
But, my friends (the few I have and actually find this topic quite interesting), actually had a lot to say about it...
So I ask "Does real love exist anymore?" Better yet... "does organic romance exist anymore?"
Some of my friends laughed hysterically before actually answering the question simply because the guys in our generation don't take that kind of thing seriously. One of my friends simply said "no". A family remember told me she "still has hope for things like that", but no one, not one female I asked, said "yes" or "of course" or even "duh"
So now I'm all like "shit.. I gotta ask a guy"
I asked a very good friend of mine and although his view on things isn't like most the guys I know, I felt the need to ask him about this topic and in all, this was his statement: "We live in a time where everything is controlled by the way you look on social media. In order for girls to be in love now, it's like it all depends on how much money the guy has so that it looks good for social media or it looks good for the outsiders looking in. Nothing is really organic anymore. The way you meet people, conversations, it's all coming from the internet now. I would like to think that the rawness that used to come with meeting and connecting with people still exists, but it's very rare. There are probably a few girls out here who will still go for the guy who isn't well-known, the guy who is willing to spend $24.50 instead of $2450.00, or the guy who just wants to connect on a level that has nothing to do with anything materialistic, social media included. But this is just where we are I guess."
He went on to say other things which won't be discussed, but all in all (don't kill me), I 100% agree with him. I feel like there's something about being organic that scares people. I have about 3 cousins who have had boyfriends for 1-4 years now and when asking how they each met their significant other, they all answered "Instagram". Has it really gotten to this? we don't meet guys in the grocery anymore? The gym? A night out with the girls?
As I'm sitting here typing this, I'm actually thinking of a theory: we scroll through Instagram most of our day (I only keep using IG as a reference because it's the go-to app). What If, a girls see guys, goes to their page, sees all the materialistic things, the people the guys hang around, the amount of likes and comments these guys have, and decides she wants to deal with him based off of those factors alone? My god. You know, as i read that back out loud, it didn't sound totally unbelievable.
So, I know y'all are just waiting to hear MY stand on all this. As I mentioned before, I do agree with my friend to an extent. When it comes to romance an the organic that is supposed to come with it, social media has completely washed it away. I myself am not one of the girls who looks at a guy for what he has or what he can do for me. I strongly believe that comes from me being comfortable within myself. If offered, sometimes, I won't accept anything from a guy (money, gifts, etc). The gesture is nice, but in all honesty, it's just not me. Me personally, guys who are extremely flashy, guys who feel the need to photograph EVERYTHING they spend money on, or guys who can't hold a conversation, are MAJOR turn offs for me... personally.
I feel like when you meet or know someone on social media, it makes it harder to converse about these topics, because of the circumstances in which you met them. If you meet someone in the real world, naturally it's easier to talk about the real world. If you meet someone at a networking event, you're more than likely to talk about business and stuff mostly. "That's just the world we live in".
Please feel free to leave comments and insights below.
Tali Michelle
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Work. Okay so my work life been amazing. I didn't get to announce it to you all because I was sooo busy, but I now i have my own studio! Yes, a studio. Full out esthetics. The name is Glitz Beauty Lounge and it's the best thing I've brought to life (besides the boys). We are located in Philly and offer everything from lash extension, to makeup, to nails...all things beauty except hair. I am so blessed to be working for myself and doing what I love. BUT I recently found a part time job because business can be slow some weeks and I get bored. So basically, three times a week I will be working for Brand Connections (a marketing firm) as a beauty concierge for Target. I DO NOT WORK FOR TARGET. I am hired by a contractor to work through their company through target. awesome right? I will be blogging my first day of my work so that you can see what it is ill be doing.
Momming. The most challenging thing I believe I've ever been faced with is raising Nur and Nova. I love my boys to death, but being a mother is NO JOKE. Nur is now a year old and Nova is 8 months old. I think because they're both under two, it makes things like 10 times more complicated. Yeah lol but I'm blessed to have them both.
Living. Now when I say this, I don't mean my physical house. I mean, in general, just... living. I haven't been the happiest I've ever been lately. I won't get into details, but I have been exposing myself to the world more: trying new foods, removing bad energy from my life, focusing more on enjoying instead of fighting the universe when things don't go as planned. I plan to travel soon. I feel like it will ease me a bit more if I'm outside of my norm.
Just Being Me. Other than all those things mentioned, I've basically just been watching Netflix shows, waiting for Insecure, A-typical, and Orange is the New Black to air new seasons, Listening to Lip Service, The Read, The Friend Zone, and living my days like they're my last.
Friday, January 5, 2018
The Year Of The Dreamer
First off, let me start this post off by wishing you all a happy new year! Now, I always wish everyone a happy New Year, but not just because it's something you say. When I say "Happy New Year", my tone is different and you can instantly tell why.
Have you ever actually sat back and thought how amazing New Year's is? I mean you literally have an opportunity, actually 365 of them, to put your potential to work and while it may seem a bit scary and overwhelming, 2018 is THAT year fir mist of us. The year of the grind.
I feel like this year is my year to be raw, unapologetic and disrespectful with my grind. Every time I make a move and unleash it, I want everyone who every doubted me, everyone who laughed at the thought, to feel it deep in their chest. I want to be the boss this year, not work for one. I want to go so far with my goals, that it brings a tear to eyes. I'm going to do all this and I'm going to win. 2018 is mine for sure.
I want you all to have a prosperous 2018. I want you all to write your goals down, make a plan and execute that plan to the fullest extent. You want to start a business? Do it. You want to go back to school? Do it. You want to start a family? Do it. You want to invest in stock, travel, fix your credit? DO IT ALL. Nothing is off limits this year.
But one thing you must remember to do this year if nothing else, TAKE CARE OF YOU. I'm talking about physically- go to the gym even if you are not out of shape. Make those doctor and dentist appointments and actually go to them. Follow their orders. Remember to eat well. I'm talking about mentally- do not let anyone drive you up a wall this year. Remember to do breathing exercises and meditate. Also, cleans your mind of all things negative- jealously, envy, greed, gossip, we are not indulging in those things this year. I'm talking about emotionally- PUT YOUR FEELINGS FIRST. Do not allow any Fxck Boy/Girl torture your heart and play with your emotions. Remember this year is dedicated to yourself. Chase the goals and dreams. Not the people.
I feel like I rambled enough. I'm out of here. lol. I have goals to achieve.
Monday, November 13, 2017
It's almost that time!! So, I feel like it's safe to let all of you know what it is that a friend and I have been working on. A while ago, I pitched an idea of a podcast to a friend of mine. 3 hosts, 1 studio, 1 central theme: POP CULTURE. When I pitched the idea, I made it very clear that were to be ourselves: as raw as possible and no holds barred.
The friend that I pitched the idea to, Shahaad, then found our third co host, Ron. We studied, we brainstormed, we collaborated our ideas and now... IT'S HAPPENING!!
So I know what you're all thinking. "What's with the twosome photo?". That's the name of the podcast everyone: Let's Have a Twosome. I also know that you're all a bit confused now. If there's three of us, how could it be a twosome? Well... Shahaad is moving away out of the city for a while and will return in April to join us. Until then, it's just Ron and myself and MAYBE a guest host from time to time.
We will be discussing world news, entertainment news, music, events, life and also accepting letters from our audience so that we can extend our advice and build a connection with you all. We will be airing an episode a week and look forward to the experience.
Until we air our first episode, we will be going live with each other on IG to discuss everything that will be on our show... kind of like a mock show (we're calling it a pre podcast). Follow us on IG (@tali.michelle , @i.amron) for all of our pre podcasts!
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
So today, I was having a conversation with someone that is close to someone I'm close to (keep up lol). Now not too long ago, this person and I had a heated argument. The person asked, about a month later could we "mend our relationship". I responded by explaining that I didn't have any issues and that I am so in tune with myself and my zen is so in tact, that stuff that used to get me heated, doesn't carry past that moment anymore with me.
That may have been a bit confusing so let me break that down. If I have a heated moment with someone, my energy isn't negative after that argument. I never let my negative energy go past that moment, feel me? But I think it's important that I get to a point where anyone can't even get me to that point. I want to my vibrations and my energy to be so leveled, that no one can even get me upset. I'm not there yet though.
Anyway, I was invited to go visit this person today. As soon as the invitation was extended, my vibes were immediately off. Something told me I wouldn't leave there feeling the same way I felt when I woke up this morning.
I was right. I left this person's home with two things they said stuck in my head. "I would appreciate if you apologized for..." and "Your blessings will never come through if you don't...".
Let those sink in.
Now lets dissect.
"I would appreciate if you apologized for...". Hear me and hear me clearly. In no circumstance ever in life can you tell someone when you would like them to apologize. In that moment, if either party doesn't truly feel sorry for something they've done or said, then the apology shouldn't be presented. Also, if a person meant anything they did or said, then there's nothing to be ashamed of or sorry for. "I would appreciate"... I think that was the part that really got me. As if this person felt as though I should apologize to make them feel more at ease, to make them feel everything is okay between us, to confirm to them that it's okay to move forward, to make them feel in control. Nah. Everyone moves in their own manner, at their own pace in their own right. For me, it's a process for me to feel sorry for something or forgive and that's all depending on the situation. In this situation, I feel like I can move past certain things, but I am not sorry.
"Your blessings will never come through if you don't...". Now this was an entire different conversation between this person and I. But here's the issue I had with this statement and it's simple: No one is God, but God. I never been the deeply religious type, but I know one thing's for sure... no one can tell me why, how or that my blessings are going to be blocked for ANY reason.
Anyway, I wont go on a rant about that part because that's a spiritual matter and I will deal with that more privately.
feel free to leave comment
That may have been a bit confusing so let me break that down. If I have a heated moment with someone, my energy isn't negative after that argument. I never let my negative energy go past that moment, feel me? But I think it's important that I get to a point where anyone can't even get me to that point. I want to my vibrations and my energy to be so leveled, that no one can even get me upset. I'm not there yet though.
Anyway, I was invited to go visit this person today. As soon as the invitation was extended, my vibes were immediately off. Something told me I wouldn't leave there feeling the same way I felt when I woke up this morning.
I was right. I left this person's home with two things they said stuck in my head. "I would appreciate if you apologized for..." and "Your blessings will never come through if you don't...".
Let those sink in.
Now lets dissect.

"Your blessings will never come through if you don't...". Now this was an entire different conversation between this person and I. But here's the issue I had with this statement and it's simple: No one is God, but God. I never been the deeply religious type, but I know one thing's for sure... no one can tell me why, how or that my blessings are going to be blocked for ANY reason.
Anyway, I wont go on a rant about that part because that's a spiritual matter and I will deal with that more privately.
feel free to leave comment
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