Monday, November 30, 2015

Lip Kit by Kylie

She's been asked over and over about her lips and how she gets them the way they are. Now that Kylie Jenner has admitted to getting her lips injected, everyone is on to the next question: what lipsticks does Kylie use? 

Well, although Kylie has a whole glam team and a beauty collection to die for, she has something for us all now too!


Lip Kit by Kylie! KJ has worked very hard to bring us her lip kits which consist of a lip liner and a matte liquid lipstick. The collection comes in three different colors that are to die for. 

Dolce K | nude 

True Brown K | chocolate brown

Candy K | a very soft pink 

Now me personally, I'm digging the chocolate brown... a lot. It's perfect for the upcoming season and it's also a shade that I don't have in my collection. It looks beautiful on her but imagine how it would look on deeper skin tones... UGH PERF! 

I'm so excited for the teen star and she seems to be pretty excited to share this with us all as well. Here's what she had to say about her new lip kits:

You can find out more about what's  to come and how to place your order by following @lipkitbykylie on Instagram and also by visiting . The kits are now available for purchase on the site for $29.00. Grab yours before they're all gone!


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