Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Lipstick Rant !!!

Okay so I'm going on a rant. About ALL companies and how they advertise because I'm sick of it!! So I recently ordered a lippie off of a certain site (I won't say which one), and I noticed that it was one of those shades that you have to be careful with. So I scrolled down to the reviews and HONEY!! The girls were not here for it and here's why.

Now me being a makeup enthusiast and a freelance MUA, I knew exactly how the lipstick would pull on my skin tone. But what about those who don't know that?? 

When a company does a shoot for their product, it would only be fair to get several models, of different skin shades, sport the product. This way, when consumers are reviewing the photos, they can compare their skin to the model's and say to themselves whether or not the color is for them. It's very disappointing when you get a highly anticipated lipstick and it doesn't pull the way you imagined it would all because of poor advertisement. GET VARIOUS MODELS. Thanks.

See what I mean? This is all the same exact lippie. But you would never be able to tell because why?? All four ladies are of different tones. Now if all these ladies were posted as models for this product on the site, everyone's purchase would be less debatable. 

I just ask that you companies out there change your marketing and advertisement tactics.

Thank you

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